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How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction Near Philadelphia

April 19, 2024

It frequently happens that you will see the signals of substance use in someone you love before they do. Struggling to manage obligations, acting oversensitive or secretive about drinking or using drugs, or looking sickly all can be red flags for addiction.

But how do you approach them about this difficult matter? The one thing you don’t want to do is turn away a person who is struggling with drug or alcohol use disorder. Here’s how to talk to a loved one about addiction near Philadelphia and how to get them started with recovery.

Address Their Addiction Somewhere They Are Most Comfortable

Addressing a loved one about their substance use disorder is called an intervention. This is the moment when you tell them that you see they have a condition and want them to find specialized support.

Discussing their dependency will undoubtedly be challenging for them. Let them feel at ease by holding the intervention in a familiar setting, like at home or a favorite hangout spot. If you want some support, invite other friends or family who know and love this individual. You also should pick a starting time when everyone will have enough time to talk things over.

Be Honest And Clear

When discussing drug or alcohol disorders, you must be clear. Don’t sidestep the subject or turn to puzzling euphemisms. Tell your friend or family member that you are concerned about their alcohol or drug use. Relate the red flags of addiction you have seen, such as being secretive, withdrawing from others, shirking responsibilities, or engaging in dangerous activities. Describe the withdrawal symptoms that you’ve seen, such as how they become sick and moody when they abstain from their substance. Emphasize that you are worried about their well-being, support them, and wish to help.

Your loved one may react in a negative manner. In spite of how kindly you address them, they might feel ashamed, embarrassed, or angry. Proceed calmly but directly. Avoid arguing or shouting. Remember, your aim is to help them get better, not feel more deficient.

Give Them A Chance To Speak

Your family member or friend may feel attacked or overwhelmed if you dominate the conversation. Give them a chance to respond when they want to. They may not have much to say at first. Or, they may be combative. Allow them to speak their mind and avoid passing judgment. Don't force them if they aren’t prepared to engage or accept help. Inform them you’re available to converse when they want, and you will check in with them in the near future.

Establish And Enforce Your LimitsLimitations

Addiction hurts more than the person using drugs or alcohol. If your friend’s or family member’s addiction is impacting you, make it known. Set limitations to prevent it from influencing you more. That might include advising them you won’t give them money or they aren’t able to communicate with impressionable members of the family until they start recovery. If they oppose those limits, hold your ground. These restrictions protect you and prove how resolute you are about the situation.

Make An Offer To Help Them Find Treatment

Seeking treatment for addiction is challenging, so extend an offer to help them. This is among the most essential elements of how to talk to a loved one about their addiction near Philadelphia. Look into addiction recovery providers and come prepared with the information you find. Offer to place the call on their behalf, supply a ride, or help with the cost of treatment, if you can. If they decline treatment today, tell them you’ll keep the resources you discovered and help them whenever they’re ready.

Find More Guidance On How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction Near Philadelphia

Need help locating addiction treatment for someone you care about? Beacon Point Recovery Center is your respected local substance use treatment facility. Call us at 267-715-9624 or fill out the form below to talk to us now about starting care. We pick up the phone 24/7, 365 days a year. We’re standing by for you and the person close to you at any moment you need us.