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Morphine Detox Near Philadelphia

Has your life been upended due to a dependency on morphine? This strong opioid may be beneficial in treating severe or moderate pain, but it’s also very addictive and potentially life-threatening. If you’re trying to quit and come to realize that you need the drug to feel “normal”, it’s time to find support. Beacon Point Recovery Center is standing by to supply it with medically guided morphine detox in Philadelphia.

You will detox gradually and safely under the supervision of well-trained medical experts who are here to support you 24/7. Call 267-715-9624 and begin your recovery the right way.

Signs That You Need Morphine Detox Near Philadelphia

Morphine can lead to addiction due to the feel-good feelings it generates. When consuming this drug in excess of your recommended dosage or for non-medical purposes, a tolerance to the substance may swiftly develop. This is usually among the first signs of addiction. There are several other obvious warning signs that a dependency exists, including:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when abstaining
  • Steady compulsions to use
  • Withdrawing from family members or friends and pastimes you enjoyed in the past
  • Financial worries or difficulties at home, work, or school due to morphine use
  • Attempting to get prescriptions from more than one doctor and always agonizing over getting more of the opioid

Your experience may look different, but if a dependency exists, you should seek support. Our morphine detox in Philadelphia will mitigate withdrawal symptoms with a careful tapering process and lay the foundation for a long-term recovery. Detoxing on your own is not encouraged as withdrawal can be dangerous and often leads to relapse.

What Should You Expect From Morphine Detox At Beacon Point?

At Beacon Point Recovery Center, you will be treated as a valued individual and provided the respect and compassion you deserve. We take a customized approach to give you the best care possible and that begins with a comprehensive appraisal. We’ll acquire a clear understanding of your substance use, physical state, and medical history and design a plan of treatment to match.

Your plan supports a successful detox, as does our capacity to keep you at ease. Our experts know that handling withdrawal is a big part of your comfort. With medication-assisted treatment and additional techniques, we can mitigate withdrawal symptoms that may include:

  • Muscle aches and overall discomfort
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Chills and sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

During your treatment, you'll reside in a fully furnished bedroom and be offered wholesome, well-balanced meals to bolster your energy. When you begin to improve, you'll be encouraged to participate in group and personal counseling sessions. This helps you grasp the underlying reasons for your substance use while getting you ready for the next stage of residential rehab. We'll also explore the future steps of your recovery, equipping you with a comprehensive aftercare plan.

What’s The Duration Of Morphine Detox?

The amount of time you spend at Beacon Point Recovery will vary based on various considerations. As a general rule, you should expect to detox within a week to 10 days although extended stays are possible. Your treatment plan may be impacted by:

  • The level of your morphine usage
  • Your physical state
  • How responsive you are to care
  • Whether there are other substances in your system

Prior to leaving, we will make certain you are medically stable and equipped with an aftercare plan that will detail the subsequent phases of your recovery.

How Can Beacon Point Maintain My Safety During Morphine Detox Near Philadelphia?

Attempting to detox abruptly is never encouraged because of the potentially devastating bodily and emotional withdrawal symptoms that may put your life in jeopardy. Beacon Point Recovery Center will keep you safe. We’ll manage your withdrawal and help you prevent a secondary dependency to medication utilized in your care. Your safety is also protected with:

  • Around-the-clock support from licensed medical professionals
  • A controlled surrounding clear of triggers of morphine use
  • Personalized plans of treatment unique to your situation
  • Aftercare planning so you have a comprehensive road map of the phases of your recovery
  • Inflexible patient privacy protocols to ensure total confidentiality

When going through detox for opioids like morphine, Suboxone could be given to ease withdrawal. It is less addictive than other substances yet proven to be helpful. To make sure you are protected, we adhere to these guidelines:

  • We don’t administer Suboxone in the beginning stages to steer clear of precipitated withdrawal
  • At the proper time, an initial dose is administered and patient response is monitored
  • Based on response, we’ll alter the dose or shift to other treatment alternatives
  • We gradually taper those in our care off Suboxone and reevaluate 

Find Help Now At Our Morphine Detox Near Philadelphia

There’s no need to suffer through a morphine addiction alone. Beacon Point Recovery Center is standing by to help. We’ll eliminate the drug from your system and skillfully deal with withdrawal symptoms so you can advance in your recovery. Place a call to 267-715-9624 today or reach out through the easy form below. We answer all requests in a hurry, irregardless of the time.