Drug & Alcohol Detox in Philadelphia

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Intervention Services Near Philadelphia

It is hard to see someone you love battling with alcohol or drug use. But an intervention can make a genuine difference in convincing a friend or family member to obtain professional addiction care. By taking proactive steps towards arranging an intervention, you can demonstrate your care and support for this individual and assist them to detox services near Philadelphia or a different path of healing.

If you want to plan an intervention for a family member or friend but don’t know how, contact Beacon Point Recovery. We offer drug intervention services in the Philadelphia area. Our intervention specialists can assist with resources and advice for conducting an intervention, and if your loved one agrees to begin drug or alcohol treatment, we’ll enroll them without delay.

Call 267-715-9624 Today

Get Your Family Member Help With Our Intervention Services Near Philadelphia

Planning an intervention requires careful preparation. If you fail to take a delicate approach, you could drive away your loved one and lose their trust. You’ll be more successful working with our intervention specialists near Philadelphia. They are experienced at directing families through interventions and educating you on how to act and speak. You’ll be better able to attain your objectives for the intervention with our specialized skills.

We invite you to contact us at 267-715-9624 anytime to discuss our intervention services near Philadelphia. We’ll converse about who you would like to help and your apprehensions about staging an intervention. When this is complete, we can support you with your choice of these approaches:

  • One of our intervention specialists can guide you via phone call. They will educate you on how to carry out the intervention on your own and can provide support over the phone when you talk to your loved one. They can also talk with your loved one and answer questions about how detox and rehab works. We’ll also emphasize the consequences of not obtaining expert help.
  • We can introduce you to a professional interventionist near you. Beacon Point Recovery has forged partnerships with expert interventionists around the Philadelphia area and beyond. We are glad to refer you to someone who is able to plan and oversee an intervention face-to-face. They can keep the discussion moving forward and provide expert guidance to both you and your loved one.

What Does An Intervention Involve?

Two ladies partake in a intense dialogue about the diverse drug and alcohol intervention approaches, including the Johnson Model, Invitational Model, Systemic Family Model, ARISE Model, Motivational Interviewing, CRAFT, and the Field Model, emphasizing their individual approaches to recovery.

If you haven’t attended an intervention in the past, you could be unsure of what ought to happen. Here are the basics of what an intervention should include. If you would like additional details or support, call us at 267-715-9624.

  1. Make a plan with other people who care about your loved one, like friends, family, medical professionals, or clergy. You might also get help from an accredited interventionist to help keep the intervention moving forward.
  2. Pick a time and place to hold the intervention. Request your loved one to meet you there without disclosing to them the true reason. Other people supporting you should also attend.
  3. Commence the intervention by explaining to them you are all there because you care about them and explain how drug or alcohol use is affecting their life.
  4. Each person should then have an opportunity to share how your loved one’s addiction has individually impacted them.
  5. Offer options for care and realistic ramifications for not finding help. Stay patient and compassionate, but assertive if they get defensive. You are able to count on the interventionist to intervene if needed.
  6. If they are agreeable to treatment, be prepared to take them to detox or a rehab center right away.

Is It Possible To Do An Intervention At Detox?

At Beacon Point Recovery, we recognize that it’s challenging to depart normal living and enroll in a facility for support. We know withdrawal is hard, and some patients might wish to stop treatment and return home immediately. Other individuals might expect to leave as soon as they are feeling a bit better. Even so, we never want to force anyone into a risky situation by releasing them prematurely. When somebody is inclined to depart early, we’ll intervene and work with them to proceed with treatment until the drug has completely left their body and an aftercare plan has been made.

Our alcohol and drug intervention services near Philadelphia are intended to keep people out of harm’s way. If an individual opposes help and imperils their life and well-being, we do everything in our power to help them comprehend why they need to stay and finish detox. An on-location intervention with them and their loved ones will allow us to address:

  • Why the patient would like to exit prematurely
  • Why our team feels they ought to stay
  • The risks of relapsing and overdosing they will face
  • If a different form of care is suitable at this juncture
  • How Beacon Point Recovery personnel and family can further support the individual to help them conclude detox

Beacon Point Recovery Will Answer Your Questions About Substance Use Interventions And Detox

Helping a person detox is a group effort, and we strive to work with families to help their loved ones over the course of this undertaking. Addiction recovery can appear to be complicated and stressful, and we would like to help all parties involved understand how it works. We welcome families to get in touch if they have a question about substance use and detox. We’ll happily provide details and resources regarding:

  • When a loved one needs addiction treatment
  • Why medically-supervised detox is non-negotiable
  • Our goals and detox treatment approach
  • How to support your loved one during detox
  • How to cope with the difficulty of having someone you care about in detox

If you wish to get more information about drug or alcohol detox at Beacon Point Recovery Center before enrolling a loved one, call us at 267-715-9624 at any time. We are always here to clarify any topic you want to discuss.

Get Help With Drug And Alcohol Intervention Services Near Philadelphia Now

There’s no need to wait around and watch as addiction upends a loved one’s life. Call 267-715-9624 or fill out the form below to get them urgent help. We reply 24 hours a day to help you with intervention services and welcome your loved ones into our detox center. We are here to support you now.